Jan 24, 2011

'Flat Fudge' Wondrous Dark Chocolate Cookies

The 'fudge factor' of these cookies is very  high - there's a thin layer of  moist chewy fudge  hiding inside that  thin, glossy, crackled  top layer.  And what, exactly, is  the wonder?  So many things ~  no flour, no gluten,  hardly a bit of  fat, one bowl, one step ~ and  so fast that they're  ready to go in the oven by the time it finishes  preheating. There's no  point  waiting to see if your chocolate-deprivation crisis passes.  Get moving  quickly when the urge strikes, so there's no turning back.

  An easy way to toast the nuts is to put them in the oven on a baking sheet as   you preheat the oven..... at ten minutes, they're toasted.   Remove them from the pan to cool before  adding them, and if you are going to use that pan for  your cookies, let it cool completely. 
Preheat the oven to 300.   In a medium bowl,
 mix 1 3/4 c. powdered sugar, ( purchase faux powdered sugar if you'd rather skip sugar completely),  1/2 c. Dutch process cocoa powder, ( I use Hersheys Special Dark Chocolate Cocoa, which  is what's usually  on  hand.  Use better-than-ordinary cocoa)  2 tsp cornstarch, 1/4 tsp salt.   Gradually mix in 2 egg whites and 1 egg, then 1 c  toasted chopped pecans or walnuts.  Egg Beaters- ype  liquid egg whites work too, especially if you make multiple batches of these cookies -- no  extra yolks  to deal with. Remember,  recipes are  written based on LARGE eggs, to standardize the amount. Using other sizes may change results, particularly  in baking.

Stir until it's well mixed and no  white sugar is visible.    If it's too loose ( egg white volumes will vary) add a tiny bit more sugar  and cocoa, but don't exceed  3 or 4 TB.   Expect that the  'dough' will be  way more fluid than  normal - more the consistency of thin  frosting..    Using about  one big TB each,   just plop them down - about 15 all together -    on parchment paper,  and sort of round them off as they come off the spoon.  Se sure to use  a parchment-lined  baking sheet. They're  very moist and fudgy, and after they cool  you'll not be able to  peel them off a pan!     Bake 16-19 minutes, until the cookies are shiny and crackled.

  If they are not fudgy/chewy,  you've overbaked.  When done,  remove pan from the oven and just slide the whole sheet of parchment off the hot pan and onto a counter.  Cool completely --- they will firm  up a bit as they cool.   Don't even try to peel the cookies from the paper  until  cool !  Then pull the paper away from the cookies, instead of the reverse.

  Sadly, although  it's almost fat free,  this is  an almost  pure-carb cookie,  16 carbs   each,  unless you use the powdered-sugar substitute, which is available everywhere these days.  Make them on  a day when your chocolate craving  overrides your conscience.