Oct 31, 2011

Apple- Cider Apple Crisp with Cider Sauce

If there's a bad apple crisp recipe, I've never come across it.. There are great ones and less great, but  a bad apple crisp is  hard to find.  This  one forgoes  oatmeal  and flour  and  uses cinnamon-graham cracker crumbs, adds a few raisins, and includes cider in both the base and  a delicious   sauce.   I like to delude myself into thinking I've done something healthy by avoiding white flour, and using brown Splenda.

Preheat oven to 350 . Peel  and slice about 8 c.  all purpose apples, and place in an ungreased 11 x 7 baking dish with 1/2 c raisins.  Pour 1/4 c. apple cider over the fruit.

Make the crumble topping: Mix together 1 c. of cinnamon graham cracker crumbs, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1/4 tsp nutmeg,  6 TB butter, melted, and 1/2 c. packed brown sugar.   Sprinkle evenly over fruit.  Bake about 50-55 minutes  til apples are  tender.

Apple Cider Sauce:   Place all ingredients in a small saucepan: 1/2 c. packed brown sugar, 4 TB butter, 1/4 c. cider, 2 TB heavy cream....... and probably a tsp. of cornstarch a little later on.
 Bring the first 4 to a rolling boil, reduce  heat slightly, cook about 3 more minutes, watching  carefully and stirring to avoid burning.  Take off heat and cool  in the pan.    I've made this  numerous  times and have yet to have the sauce thicken at all, as I assume it should - ( it starts to separate and shouldn't)  so after its cooled and  hasn't  thickened,  I mix about 1/3 of it with a tsp or so of cornstarch, reheat the rest, and stir  the cornstarch mixture back into the hot  sauce til it's thick.   Then let it cool til serving.  If there's sauce left after serving, refrigerate it and let warm to room temp before  topping the crisp.    Serve with a bit of ice cream or whipped cream, if you like.