Jul 16, 2011

Blueberry Spinach Salad

I'm on a blueberry kick this summer and we're enjoying this salad often.   It's  a bit sweet  with a tangy kick from the combination of berries,  pears and blue cheese.  Walnuts add  a delicious  crunch.

Make a vinaigrette dressing of 1/2 c extra virgin olive oil, 1/4 c. raspberry  or balsamic vinegar,  1 TB dijon mustard, 1 tsp honey,  s & p to taste.. Just whisk til well blended.

Salad:   1 ripe Anjou pear, peeled &  cubed, 16 oz baby spinach, no stems,   2 oz ( 1/2 c ) blue, feta,  or gorgonzola cheese crumbled,   4 oz chopped walnuts, 1 pint fresh blueberries.

For the salad, assemble the ingredients except for the berries and cheese 
Toss and add half the dressing,  toss to coat.
 Add blueberries and cheese, and drizzle the rest of the dressing over, toss again. 

Enjoy with anytihing!  It's  especially good  with  grilled  lamb or fish,   or add cold grilled chicken strips or salmon  for a cool  entree salad.