Dec 18, 2007

Jean's Broccoli Salad

This was the first broccoli salad I ever had - way back in the 70's. Thanks, Jean Kaple! Its simple and good, and as much as I love the ubiquitous sweet-ish broccoli salad of the 90's with raisins and bacon, this one is a tasty change - and not sweet. The green olives are something I added years later after seeing that a local 'farm market' deli added them to their version. Yum, it's even better!

Cook a 10 oz box of frozen broccoli spears ( not the finely chopped cut broccoli, please!) just til done; cool and chop in fairly large pieces. Add 1/2 c. sliced celery, 1/4 c chopped onion, salt, 2 hard boiled eggs, chopped, enough mayonnaise to moisten, and 1/2 c. green stuffed olives, whole. Chill. Serves 2-4 .

If you use fresh broccoli, be sure to briefly nuke, steam, or otherwise cook it so it gets that appealing emerald-green color and slightly-cooked taste.

Better double the recipe!